Opening Prayer

St. Therese, beloved friend, we come before you in our need. We believe that you listen to us and approach God for and with us. Please accept these petitions, hopes, needs, and dreams I list below. Please present them to our Loving Father so that God may do what is best for us, for our loved ones, and for the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom. We ask you, dear friend, with the bold confidence and loving surrender you taught us. We make these prayerful petitions in the name of Jesus and through the power of His Spirit.

Share your petitions

Share your prayer petitions below to be included on this public webpage. We ask that you refrain from using last names for privacy reasons.  Your petitions will be remembered by St. Therese’s Carmelites in daily Mass at the National Shrine of St. Therese.

If you would prefer to send your prayers privately, please visit our Private Prayer Petition page.

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Send us your private prayer petitions to be remembered in the daily offices and Mass said by the Carmelites at the National Shrine of St. Therese.

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- United States

TY for praying for us…I bring all of my prayers, pleas, praises and supplications with thanksgiving to the Lord…TY Abba…IJMNA


- United States

Dearest St. Therese please watch over Lou and ask God to keep her healthy now and always.
For all my family and friends… and all on this web site.
Thank you for my roses,


- United States

My heart is breaking from loneliness, depression and anxiety. I’m in so much pain that it is hard to function. Please pray for me. Ask God to help me.


- United States

Dear Saint Theresa, please let Sam rest in peace please help me get stronger and better. Please heal me. Please don’t let me have cancer or heart trouble. Please help my two sisters and our family and friends have good health, happiness and love. Please keep everyone safe always and bring us all back to the church. Please help Sara life to get stronger and better Miriam also please let Sam Buns aunt Mary Naz Tony rest in peace. Please help Kevin, Shelly, Rose and myself to get healthy and feel better. Thank you Saint Theresa from the bottom of my heart. Amen


- United States

Dear saint Therese please let my new pay start soon and please keep me and my business free from harm. Protect us Amen



- United States

Dear St. Therese, please intercede for me,SS,AS,GS,MG,B,S,H,RG,J,U,AG,H,E,RJ,C,G and all our loved ones are safe and healthy in Jesus loving name. Jesus I trust in you. Dear Lord, please have mercy on us in Jesus loving name. Please have mercy on the souls of P,A,T and departed loved ones in Jesus loving name. Amen


- United States

A big part of being my most special favorite-est:
my desire to contemplate her more does persist
I'll write more soon, even if it takes me an hour!
On my fave poetess: St Therese the Little Flower
I'm back online now, reading some of her poetry
They are the type to be savored, so I can't hurry
She's surprisingly bright for a high school dropout
And is now world-famous, without a talent scout!
Everything always made her think of God's Love
(As her many spiritual poems were indicative of)
She didn't attribute power to New Age crystals,
Was a prayer-warrior without a sword or pistols
Her many topics vary; "Variety is the spice of life"
Nature, angels, Joan of Arc; sufferings, and strife
Therese wished she could be heroic, like St. Joan
I wish I could be as hidden as St. Therese, alone:
"Then hid shall be my life, unmarked, unknown,
That I may have Thee heart to heart with me;
For loving souls desire to be alone,
With love, and Thee!*
To write, she had to find some prayer time alone
They often end with rhymes (before RhymeZone)
This one in particular is one that my heart hears
(My PoetrySoup url is "small vase", for starters)!
To live of love, ’tis in my heart to guard
A mighty treasure in a fragile vase.
Weak, weak, am I, O well-beloved Lord!
Nor have I yet an angel’s perfect grace*
I hear ya, girl; that's totally how I feel, Therese
I feel small, fragile; He saves me from distress!…
Read all:


- United States

St. Therese,

Thank you for all of my blessings. Please guide CN during his interview today. ILHSM. I don't want to ever lose him.

Please intercede in reuniting CB and me forever, faithfully. I ask that he stop all of the inappropriate behavior. I pray that he contact me soon. Please send me a blatant sign he still loves and misses me. Please send a financial miracle so I can help my parents and so they won't have to sell their home. I beg of you to give me the strength to lose a lot of weight before the shower & wedding. Please heal my parents. Please let things remain as they are at work. I ask that my clients pick up. It's been slow and it concerns me. Please always keep me gainfully employed and let J remain my supervisor. I love and remain faithful to you always.


- United States

Please pray for me. I have developed cellulitis, and possibly MRSA, and am allergic to the antibiotics needed to treat it. High risk. I need prayers for courage. With God's help, I will get through this and survive if it is His will.


- United States

Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so prompt, so strong, before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires.Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power,I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers.Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while he reposes near your heart.Press him in my name and kiss his fine head for me and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.

St. Joseph, patron of departing souls – pray for me….Amen.

Valentine Judy

- India

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems,bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession bless Judy to get full pension with arrears at the earliest, to get BPLCARD with out any obstacles, to get 2BHKHOUSE at B'lore with minimum rent closer to the Church and park.pray Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore


- United States

Thank you, thank you, thank you! The interview went well and I was given a second and final one for tomorrow. I could not be happier. This is so fantastic!,


- United States

Holy Mother, in the heart of every man , There is a longing for a place called home.
In Christ, we know that Heaven is our true Home. Christ Jesus came into the world to show us the way home. On the Cross, Jesus won the victory…
Holy Mother, your children in Purgatory long for home.
Please speed the day of their deliverance (that wonderful day).
Holy Mother, please remember Robert c.D.(Bobby)…
Please pray for Bobby’s eternal rest.Implore God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Usher Bobby’s soul into the Glories of Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ…Amen


- United States

St. Therese Please pray for my knees, feet and hips. THey are painful and I pray that I can have a full recovery from my surgeries. I pray that I can feel better so I can have again my quality of life. I pray for my daughter and her partner. Please pray that she takes him back because they have a child. Soften her heart and please pray that her partner can get the job he applied for and not have to work so many hours. I pray for this to happen so that he doesn’t get so negative and stressed. I pray for the well being of my grandchildren please pray for them that they can all do well socially, scholastically, physically and that no addiction comes into their life and takes over. Please rebuke satin in our lives. I pray for lisa and her problems that she told me about today she needs an intervention and I pray that one can come soon. I pray for the well being of my husband that gets the stress of all the problems . Please help for us for peace in our lives. I pray for the souls of my son, mom, dad and the rest of our families and extended families and friends that they are in heaven with you. Please pray for the souls in purgatory and I pray that I can take better care of myself. To eat better so that my body feels better. Please help me to make the positive changes in my life that I am trying to do. I love you and thank you for being my friend and confidant. Please also for my business to pick up that I can make more sales. Please use me where you can to help others. amen


- United States

Little flower thank you for answered prayers please hear and answer my prayers for financial help to get us back on track with finding moving into paying for and keeping good safe affordable 3 bedroom housing for the four of us and pets in Fresno and that I get the loan please bind all obstacles and evil that prevent this cast them to the feet of Jesus please open doors create opportunities soften hearts of those who can help to help like Carmella Robert sandy Jim kathi debi Thelma please protect holy mother church her holy priests end the war convert Russia please save my immortal soul my family's friends immortal souls from hell save our country n world release the souls of purgatory help those in need please remember the soldiers of the rosary the sons and daughters of St Joseph the releasers their respective families please help Jessica with her mental physical medical issues that she rest restore bind Corey's tongue Amy needs to repay the money she took protect Jessica n Jacob from all evil n obstacles I pray for baptism of desire for the souls in limbo that connie leave the littles with nick she go away bind the evil that is Randal Gabriel Olivia Patrick viktor that Randal take his dog bind Jacobs addiction to weed keep us safe n fed n warm n healthy bind all hackers n thieves from our accounts n belongings bless our finances please restore our belongings that were stolen lost Jacob needs a good safe job n to b in school I need a reliable vehicle in Jesus name I pray
